Coming in at number 3 this year was one from the 2020 vault! An old one but, of course, still as relevant as ever - it’s our piece on dismantling the trope that women are ‘bad with money’ and how the patriarchy likes to have it both ways when it comes to stereotypes about women and money. ‘Frivolous spenders’ AND ‘risk averse savers’? Sure Jan…
Coming in at number 2 was one of our personal favourites this year - our 'Other Ladies Talking Money’ interview with the UH-MAZING Larisha Jerome. As the manager for women’s economic empowerment at First Nations Foundation, host of the fabulous ‘Rich Blak Women’ podcast and a self concept and mindset coach, Larisha is The Moment™️ when it comes to money and, evidently this year - you all thought so too!
And coming in hot at number 1 this year was our guest blog with the fabulous Brook McCarthy on: ‘Why we need to stop conflating our self worth with how much we earn’. (Mic drop anyone?) This piece, and this message, resonated with SO MANY OF YOU and, if you ask us, it’s an excellent candidate for your summer holiday reading list.